Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Summer’s beginning to give up her fight

Summer’s beginning to give up her fight
-mystery by Indigo Girls

This is the last week of summer for many kids across the country. Summer may not officially be giving up her fight until September according to the calendar but the attitude and carefree nature of summer vacation ends when school begins. Parents, students and teachers return to the daily routine of the school semester and trips to the beach or lake are replaced with football games and tailgates. Change is around the corner for many.

I turned 30 not to long ago. I will admit I had a slight panic attack. I really enjoyed my 20s…well my late 20s. After I made plenty of mistakes post college I learned what I really wanted in friendships, relationships, family and work and was happy to settle into many of those places and hit my stride in my late 20s. I met some of my dearest friends in the world, I found the love of my life and I think I know now what I want out of career.

I didn’t want these days to go away. I wanted to dwell forever in my independence and youth. I wanted to have time to make a few more mistakes maybe and time to really get to know myself without having to grow up. I think this past year has been one of the harder years for me. I had to grow up a bit faster than I wanted too with my parents’ accident. Yet I also realized I craved and desired my parents and the nearness of them much like I did as a little girl afraid of the dark.

I think I have finally accepted the end of my “summer” and I am eager to begin adulthood with grace and dignity. I want to continue growing and cultivating the friendships I have made in my early twenties. I want to learn more about how I can show my love and support to Blake as we navigate through this med school/rotation/residency relationship. I see my ideal career over the horizon and I am ready to work for it and achieve it.

The change that is around the corner is actually as exciting as a game day Saturday in Athens, GA among a few of your closest 80,000 or so friends.

I think the best part of this change is that no matter what I am still precious in His sight. That never changes.

I don’t think my parents ever imagined they would be dealing with any disabilities as they head towards the season of retirement. Their accident has left a few scars behind that will require some changes or adaptation to their daily routine. Yet no matter what, my parent’s are still precious in His sight.

Summer may have figuratively ended but with it brings the expectancy of autumn, cooler nights and the brilliant colors of the changing landscape declaring the handy work of God.

Isaiah 43:4a (New International Version)
4 Since you are precious and honored in my sight,
and because I love you,

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