Thursday, April 9, 2009

Runner's High

I have a 15k next weekend. It’s roughly 9.3 miles. I haven’t trained for anything over a 10k in a while. Last year I ran a half in April and a 10k in November. That was my last long race. So needless to say, I have had to really light a fire to get motivated.

I did all the things necessary to get prepared. First and foremost I had to get new shoes. I love going to those runner specialty shoe stores. They measure your foot, watch you run, have you try on their recommendations and let you take as much time as possible to make the final decision. I used to be intimidated to go into those stores. I didn’t think I was really a true runner, only logging my 12 miles a week unless I’m training. I do not have a runner’s body by any means and it wasn’t until I realized that there is no ideal “runner’s body.” We come in all shapes and sizes and run all different distances. It made me feel a lot better about myself and then pretty good to know that I belonged to a unique subculture out there!

I got my shoes and the next step was to get my music, gear and training schedule. I logged into and went to their smart coach feature-plugged in my info and ta-da: instant training schedule. I have been training since March 9th so I think I am ready. I am still a little nervous because this is a pretty tough course.

I have done lots of different things to motivate me during my training. I have run with friends, ran a race in the rain that I talked about a few posts ago, and even put up a few pictures in my office to inspire me. One of my favorite quotes is a Nike ad from my Runner’s World magazine. I posted it below.

I love that it reminds me that running definitely gives back more. I may hate every minute of the run but in the end I gained more from it than it took from me. Typically on stressed days-I have gained clarity, peace of mind, and confidence. When I run with friends, I have gained 4, 5, 6 or more miles of a shared experience. I have grown closer to them and bonded and running definitely gave more back to me. I may lose a pound or so in the process but typically I use it as an excuse to eat more! And as a former fat girl-being able to eat is definitely a gift back!

This past Monday it was cold. A lot colder than it had been in the past weeks. I did not want to run at all. I even had to go home after work and get my running tights, gloves and ear warmers before I could hit the trail. I had 6 miles to run and I was dreading every moment of that run. I remembered my Nike quote-Running never takes more than it gives back. And so in sticking with the company’s slogan, I had to “just do it.” It was by far one of my best runs all year. I hit that “runner’s high” somewhere around the 3rd or 4th mile and just breezed through the rest of the trail.

It got me thinking about how all too often we as Christians view our spiritual walk as this painful drudgery. We think of excuses or a way out. We are tired, it’s too cold, I haven’t been training very long, my feet hurt, I need new shoes, etc… Why? Why do we do this? Swap out running and replace with Jesus. Jesus never takes more than He gives back…Believe in Jesus. It was a bit more convicting that I wanted to hear.

In the midst of my 6 mile run I hit a “runner’s high.” Let me tell you that I have never hit a “runner’s high” during a short casual run. Typically miles 1 or 2 are often the hardest miles. It got me thinking about our own spiritual highs and lows. It is during the most difficult and arduous times in my life when I hit that “runner’s high.” During a grueling journey, I find solace and comfort in the only hope I have, Jesus. I believe in the one thing that gets me to the finish line or stopping point. The one thing that won’t take more than it gives back.

This Easter rejoice in your risen Savior. You have a Father who conquered death, who overcame the grave, who is ready and willing to carry your burdens.

Thank you for traveling on this journey with us. We still have quite a way to go. And all along you have been there on the sidelines cheering us on, giving us water and goo when we needed a rest, walk or energy. You are the reason that we will go to church as a family this Easter Sunday. We are able to truly enjoy these holidays. Christmas of 2008 will not be forgotten, as we spent that time in the hospital and allowed my parents to see each other for the first time since the accident and now Easter of 2009 will stand out as well. We will welcome the dawn and celebrate the Resurrection of our Savior.

Chariots of Fire, Eric Liddell: I believe God made me for a purpose, but he also made me fast. And when I run I feel His pleasure.

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