Tuesday, July 14, 2009

He Still Uses Us!

Today I came across a devotional that reminded me that no matter our physical impairments God still uses us. I laugh when I think about this passage below:

But Moses said to the LORD, "O my Lord, I have never been eloquent, neither in the past nor even now that you have spoken to your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue." Then the LORD said to him, "Who gives speech to mortals? Who makes them mute or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the LORD? Now go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you are to speak." But he said, "O my Lord, please send someone else." Then the anger of the LORD was kindled against Moses and he said, "What of your brother Aaron the Levite? I know that he can speak fluently; even now he is coming out to meet you, and when he sees you his heart will be glad. You shall speak to him and put the words in his mouth; and I will be with your mouth and with his mouth, and will teach you what you shall do. He indeed shall speak for you to the people; he shall serve as a mouth for you, and you shall serve as God for him.
-Exodus 4:10-16 (NRSV)

Moses didn't want to be used by God b/c he stuttered. He didn't like to speak in public, he got nervous and didn't know the right things to say. God wasn't taking no for an answer.

How many times do we hear God calling us to a place, ministry, person or even in the place we already are and we say-No please don't make me God. God just laughs and says-yeah okay good excuse Emily but I still have a plan for you. A plan that will change the course of history, a plan that will alter your life and others, a plan that will blow open the waters so that you can walk through them unscathed.

God used Moses and he parted the Red Sea. Not too shabby for a guy who stutters.

Just think what God can do with me and you. My Mom may not have full use of her arms but that doesn't mean God isn't calling her to greater things. I wonder what He is calling you to do today?

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