Tuesday, January 5, 2010

A New Year! A New You!

I’m sure many of you made New Year’s Resolutions this past Friday. I have always been a fan of resolutions. I like the idea of a clean slate, a blank chalkboard. The thought of having 365 days ahead of me with untold stories and adventures. To give myself a chance to accomplish something. To have a whole year to improve my self and to try to give back to those around me.

I will be very honest and say I did not have this outlook last January. I was dreading each day and the untold stories. Stories of gloom, sadness and despair. I think I could even turn a happy day into a sad one. I am not normally a negative person and I always try to find the silver lining. However, I think the only bright spot I could find in 2009 was the last day on the calendar, Dec 31st. The day I could kiss 2009 behind and my poor attitude.

So here we are facing 2010. What can you do with days ahead?

I think our sermon on Sunday is too good not to share. I attend Dawson Memorial Baptist in Homewood and Dr. Gary Fenton preached an excellent sermon that I really needed to hear. I am pretty sure the things to avoid were the things I wallowed in last year. My hope and prayer is that I use 2010 as a chance to move forward.

The sermon was based on Eph 6: 10-20 (Putting on the Full Armor of God) and was entitled, “Protecting Yourself From Evil.” Dr. Fenton went on to say that sometimes that evil lurks within us!

The 3 major points he discussed were as follows:
1. Protect yourself from Self Pity and have faith in God’s Goodness. If we continue to dwell in a woe is me attitude what we are really saying is that we don’t trust God and his ultimate goodness. God is good at ALL times! He will overcome!

2. Protect yourself from Despair and have faith in God’s Victory. Sometimes his victory is not physical healing or what we think is a victory but He will be victorious in the situation and circumstances. His purpose will be fulfilled.

3. Protect yourself from the “sin” of Cynicism and have faith in God’s Power. God can change us. He has the power to make us a new creature and to restore us. Because of what his Son did on the cross, we are now able to be made whole and complete.

When we are faced with evil whether external or internal we have a few choices to either run, deny, fight by ourselves or join God in his ability to restore and allow him to make broken things whole again.

Will you join with me in 2010 and pray that we can make our broken hearts and dreams of 2009 whole again with God’s redemptive power?

Please continue to pray for My Mom as she heals. She is pretty down these days and in a great deal of pain. I know she is overcome with the thought of the long healing road ahead. As I have said before, if you have the chance to call or stop by please feel free. I know she would love the company.

Post a comment and leave me your email address, if you need information about how to get in touch with them.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Emily, for this one. I needed it.
    My email is redawalker@yahoo.com. What is
    yours? I do not have adequate words to express how much I have enjoyed your blog and how it has ministered to me so many times. Love you, girl! Sandra Walker
