Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Romans 12:12

I stumbled upon a verse earlier this week. It only has ten words but they may possibly be ten of the strongest little words.
Romans 12:12 (New International Version)

12Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.

Joyful in Hope-Because of the cross I have something to hope for. I know and understand what hope is. I have been given a gift of a better future just because Jesus loves me. I can be joyful in that Hope!

Patient in Affliction-Two words I am not a huge fan of-patient and affliction but because Jesus has promised me Joy and Hope then I can learn to be Patient in my Affliction.

Faithful in Prayer-How can we not be! The same God that answered the prayers of Hannah who was barren and then gave birth to Samuel, Daniel who sat in a den of lions and Paul chained in a prison cell is the same God who will hear my own prayer. I must be faithful to pray for my family.

Thank you all for standing with me in our affliction and providing hope and prayer as we face each day.

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